I Beat EVERY SRB2 World Record (As Knuckles)

Описание к видео I Beat EVERY SRB2 World Record (As Knuckles)

Yep, all of them.

Hi everyone, it's been a while, I know I haven't uploaded in a while, and I haven't touched SRB2 in about 8 months, but I'm finally back to show you what I've been working on! And today, I get to show you what is quite possibly my biggest speedrunning project to date! However, I do think we should talk about that a bit.

So, this all started just over a month ago, when another player named Astronight did exactly what I've done here today, beat every SRB2 world record with Knuckles, it was, quite a shock to say the least. It was a very impressive feat, and all the records were dropped at once, so it was very surprising to me to suddenly see all the records taken by one person. Seeing all these records however, did start to make a certain desire well up in me, but at the time my objective was simple, take back my GF1 record which had been beaten by 1 frame, which I quickly did, and I thought that would be all, but a couple days later I decided I wanted to take another record, Techno Legacy this time, which again I did, and I thought that surely that would be the end of it from me, but then I realised something, I wanted ALL of the records, every last one of them. I wanted to perform an amazing feat like Astro had done. Now, I knew that I already had most of the records with Amy and Fang, and while it still would've taken some time due to a couple hard stages cough Aerial Garden and Azure Temple cough I could've gotten a full record sweep with one or both characters, but that wasn't really what I wanted, sure that would've indeed a full record sweep exactly this Knuckles one, but it would've been too easy, given I already had almost all the records I needed, I wanted to prove to myself that I could spend weeks of my time, grinding runs daily towards an ultimate goal, I NEEDED to prove that I could do it, so I decided to get started.

So I decided to take every record with Knuckles, including the bossfights, which Astro had not done, and I decided I would take at least 1 world record each day, which I mostly stuck to, while I did have some days where I couldn't take a record, I had a few where I took more than 1 record so it evened out by the end, so I ended up taking just under 30 records in the span of exactly 1 month. However, it wasn't easy for me, and I'm not talking about the amount of hours I put in. See, this project, it was not great for my mental health, it was pretty bad actually. I'm not the best at keeping a positive attitude when speedrunning, I get disappointed in myself very easily when I see myself failing good attempts to dumb things, or just generally taking a longer time to beat a record than I think I should, and that happened a LOT throughout this project, so there were a lot of times this past month where I would be frustrated with myself, or just plain unhappy, and what's more, this came at the cost of more than just my mental health, my productivity throughout this month absolutely fell off a cliff, I was spending many hours each day doing these runs, and when I was finished I just couldn't get myself to do a lot of the things in life that were actually important, you could honestly say I did nothing but play this game for a month and you would basically be right, and while I can't say I regret doing this project exactly, I know that my own well being should've come first, and I don't wanna make that mistake ever again. So, for anyone wondering if I will do the fullgame run, I probably won't anytime soon, sorry.

I know this has been a long read but I wanted to get across how I've been feeling this past month, and how I managed to let this obsession of mine consume me, I'm not sure if anyone reading this can relate to what I went through while working on this, but if you do, just remember to take care of yourself okay? Love yourself 💜

Speedrun leaderboards: https://www.speedrun.com/srb2/levels

0:00 Greenflower Zone 1 (15.68)
0:20 Greenflower Zone 2 (23.28)
0:48 Greenflower Zone 3 (11.65)
1:04 Techno Hill Zone 1 (44.28)
1:54 Techno Hill Zone 2 (57.68)
2:56 Techno Hill Zone 3 (12.88)
3:14 Deep Sea Zone 1 (32.17)
3:51 Deep Sea Zone 2 (1:27.88)
5:23 Deep Sea Zone 3 (18.57)
5:47 Castle Eggman Zone 1 (1:05.71)
6:57 Castle Eggman Zone 2 (1:03.22)
8:05 Castle Eggman Zone 3 (40.17)
8:50 Arid Canyon Zone 1 (38.00)
9:33 Arid Canyon Zone 2 (1:26.51)
11:04 Arid Canyon Zone 3 (20.57)
11:29 Red Volcano Zone 1 (1:19.20)
12:53 Egg Rock Zone 1 (1:03:17)
14:01 Egg Rock Zone 2 (1:54:57)
16:01 Black Core Zone 1 (43.97)
16:49 Black Core Zone 2 (54.82)
17:49 Black Core Zone 3 (45.97)
18:40 Frozen Hillside Zone (27.48)
19:12 Pipe Towers Zone (57.85)
20:15 Forest Fortress Zone (1:01.88)
21:21 Techno Legacy Zone (28.20)
21:54 Haunted Heights Zone (1:11.54)
23:10 Aerial Garden Zone (1:54:45)
25:10 Azure Temple Zone (1:47.74)


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