
Описание к видео 今日茶席,第413席【博古清供】


茶品 / 2015年正山小種
急須 / 山崎さおり銅手柄碳化急須
壺承 / 18世紀末英國透雕草花紋橢圓貝皿
片口 / 昭和時代龜甲紋硝子片口
水注 / 19世紀末美國酒精底座木手柄鍍銀煮水壺
茶杯 / 昭和時代龜甲紋硝子高足杯
茶入 / 明治時代銅胎螺鈿漆器人物松紋高足蓋盒
茶則 / 大正時代清供圖竹茶則
茶盤 / 清代紅木鑲嵌螺鈿漆器清供圖都承盤

🍵今日の茶席 第413回【昔の清供】🍵

🍵Today's Tea Party No. 413 [Old Offerings]🍵
清供 (a kind of offerings), also known as 清玩, originally referred to flowers placed in front if Buddhist altars. At first, offerings were fragrant flowers, vegetables, and fruits, but gradually expanded to include metal vessels and stones with inscriptions, calligraphy and paintings, old books, porcelain vases, ruyi scepter, and other items that literati could appreciate and admire.
At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Qingqing and nostalgia were both popular in the Jiangnan region, and Shidafu was fascinated by them. Disheartened literati (though they themselves deny it) became obsessed with collecting things and lost their ambitions.
It is common to see literati writings expressing their inner thoughts through objects, talking about the style of offerings, and discussing the hobby of loving antiques.
文震亨’s 長物志mentions the distinction between the elegance and vulgarity of offerings, and provides a very detailed description of bonsai and plants arranged in vases.
袁宏道’s 瓶史 and 張謙德’s 瓶花譜 dedicate more space to the descriptions of offerings than to flowers and utensils.
During the Qing dynasty, paintings of offerings reached their height of popularity as they were favored by the emperor.
During the reign of Emperor Qianlong, there was a boom in offerings to the Emperor at large. The boom in offerings in painting also influenced the decorative designs of other works of art. The motif of offerings was widely used in a variety of decorations, including embroidery, porcelain, lacquerware, and architecture, and became a standard decorative pattern.


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