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Marshmallow Therapeutics Meet this Ancient Healing Friend (new video lesson)
Come along, harvest Marshmallow root! Learn about its healing virtues—scientifically called Althaea officinalis that translates to “to heal and use as medicine”.
This high mucilage plant soothes inflammations, irritations, and dryness: for respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system & topically on skin.
Actions: emollient, demulcent, antitussive, vulnerary, anti-inflammatory, cooling, yin tonic.
Useful for: Respiratory tract dry coughs, laryngitis, bronchitis, croup, etc. Digestive tract: ulcer, gastritis, and other gut inflammatory issues. Urinary tract: cystitis, urethritis, etc. Skin: burns, sunburns, eczema, etc.
Propagation: This video includes tips on dividing marshmallow; a useful technique for multiplying marshmallow plants while harvesting its roots. I love this as it allows me to make root medicine, grow more marshmallow plants, and share those plants with friends.
Parts Used & How
Young leaves, flower buds, flowers, immature seedpods, and roots are consumed as food and medicine. Note: use older leaves in tea / infusion, since may be unpleasant to chew.
Flavor: mild, sweet, highly mucilaginous.
Quality: thickener, like okra when cooked, or chewed or steeped in cold or hot water.
Nutrients: root: high in minerals esp. calcium, magnesium and iron.
Root more medicinal as it contains considerably more mucilage than the rest of its parts.
Chew fresh or dried root.
Water infuse roots in cold, or hot water for a few hours, or overnight.
If infusing in cold water for more than a few hours, place in frig. while steeping.
Mucilage extracts in water so marshmallow makes a great infusion, or a low alcohol tincture.
Low alcohol tincture is covered in my online course: http://www.WildFoodHealthBoosters.com.
This plant is the original marshmallow, made by whipping up its thick gooeyness w/ loads of sugar, although not very healthful due to the high sugar content.
Biography & Habitat
Marshmallow is a perennial of the Malvaceae family, scientifically called Althaea officinalis.
Native of Europe, N. Africa and W. Asia. Now grows in E. North America at the edges of saline and brackish marshes, in full sun to part shade. Likes rich moist soil. Happily grows in gardens. Found west to Nebraska, south to Arkansas, north to Quebec. Hardy to zone 3-9.
Dimensions: to 6ft tall (in gardens) by 3ft wide. More typically 4 ft tall.
All above ground parts: wooly, softly fuzzy, hairy.
Leaf: alternate arrangement, broadly ovate, cordate, 4-(8) inches long by 4 inches wide, with 3-7 rounded lobes, palmate veins, toothed margins.
Root: whitish-light colored, often far reaching, branching with multiple taproots; like an octopus.
Flower: whitish-pink, 5 petals, up to 1" in diameter.
Seed clusters: like a wheel of cheese.
Roots: harvest after 2-3 years old. While they can be harvested anytime of year, I prefer to gather them before the aerial parts appear, in late fall to early spring.
Aerial parts (leaf, bud and flower): harvest for drying when plant just starts to flower. Harvest w/ main stem and dry; but discard stem before use.
For fresh eating: harvest flowers, flower buds & immature seedpods as they emerge.
Marshmallow infusions are great, yet low alcohol tinctures can be very useful. They are portable, stable, easy to travel w/ & convenient to use; no further prep needed.
Learning to make your own marshmallow tincture successfully can be found in my new online course http://www.WildFoodHealthBoosters.com 👈 click right here to find out all about it!
#Marshmallow #AlthaeaOfficinalis #Herb
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