The Key to Safe Chemical Storage -- Pallet Flow Rack & IBC Containers | Mallard Manufacturing

Описание к видео The Key to Safe Chemical Storage -- Pallet Flow Rack & IBC Containers | Mallard Manufacturing

Pallet flow rack systems offer a versatile and efficient storage solution for various industrial needs, especially when it comes to safely handling Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBC). While we've designed many custom solutions for IBC container storage in the past, this recent application for hazardous materials stands out for its unique safety requirements. These containers must comply with strict regulations set by the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) and FM Global (an international property insurance and loss prevention engineering company). In this case, our team created a pallet flow solution for the required off-site storage facility.

The IBCs must be stored at a safe distance from the main manufacturing and warehouse facilities. These storage locations must meet certain conditions, including being housed in concrete bunkers with moats surrounding the structures. The distance between the storage site and the manufacturing plant is also regulated to mitigate potential risks of spills, leaks, or fire hazards.

Take a look at our in-house testing lab video, where our team examined different lane pitches to ensure safe, consistent flow and reliable restarts.

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The Role of Pallet Flow Rack in IBC Container Storage

Pallet flow rack systems are designed to handle heavy loads efficiently, making them a perfect fit for the storage of IBC containers, which can hold substantial volumes of shifting materials. In this particular application, each bunker is equipped with a pallet flow rack system with the following specifications:

Storage: 3-4 pallets per lane
Lane depth - 29.5 feet
¼” pitch per foot
Number of lanes: 5 lanes per bunker
Total pallet positions: 20 per facility
Full roller pallet flow: 1.9” diameter rollers on 2” centers

IBC containers:
40” x 48”
Metal Frame
Load weight: 2500 - 2800 lbs.
Samples included bottom pallets -- plastic, waffle-style

Streamlining Hazardous Material Storage

Full Roller Pallet Flow: Our full roller solution is the ideal choice for handling plastic pallets and a variety of pallet types – and in this example, we have both. The full-width rollers ensure consistent contact with the bottom of each pallet, regardless of its runner size or style. Along with high-quality galvanized rollers, Mallard’s full-roller systems are built with heavy-duty bearings, axles, and side channels to withstand the rigorous demands of daily warehousing and manufacturing operations without sustaining damage.

Controlled Loading Process: One key aspect of this system is that the first pallet per lane must be loaded from the front vs. flowing down the lane from the charge side. This will help to ease the impact of the flowing pallet hitting the ramp stop at the end of the lane. Subsequent pallets are loaded and flow from the opposite charge side of the lane as is usual in a pallet flow lane.

Efficient Access: For this application, workers retrieve one IBC container per day from the off-site storage bunker. With the pallet flow rack system in place, the forklift operator can efficiently access the next available container at the pick position.

Safety and Compliance Through Custom Design

For manufacturers dealing with hazardous chemicals, safety and compliance are top priorities. By incorporating a pallet flow rack system, companies can safely store their critical inventory and materials while ensuring operational efficiency. As with all our gravity flow solutions, your system design is custom-configured for your inventory specs…hazardous or not, and your operational flow. Contact our team today for more information, and be sure to schedule a comprehensive test in our Engineering Test Lab.


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