73. Reaction to Diana and Ismaray 2022. Casino con Trucos. Tricks. Forward by default. Cuban Salsa.

Описание к видео 73. Reaction to Diana and Ismaray 2022. Casino con Trucos. Tricks. Forward by default. Cuban Salsa.

More tutorials at my danceblog, SalsaSelfie.com, https://www.SalsaSelfie.com.

Thank you to Diana Rodriguez Garcia and Ismaray Aspirini for this workshop dance video that gives us an opportunity to talk about some of the important issues in Cuban Salsa. The video, labeled Casino con Trucos (tricks), was first published on Ismaray Aspirina's FB Page, April 7, 2022, and shared by Diana Rodriguez Garcia on her FB Page April 8. It is also available on Ismaray's YouTunbe Channel.

* Always forward *

The first thing to notice is that when two Cuban women dance together, Diana as Lead and Ismaray as Follow, they seem to like a dynamic dance with good flow and momentum, full of energy, almost a power dance. Actually the Follow, Ismaray, steps forward by default on each and every step. No back-rocking, no back-steps, not even once in a dance of almost 4 minutes, always moving forward.

This forward motion on all steps unfolds the figures in their full glory, making them easier to recognise, to lead and to follow, opening up for many more computational options and with the potential of creating fantastic ongoing flows not possible in other social dance styles.

* Fitness look and feel *

The second thing to note is the relaxed fitness look and feel with dance shoes that don’t destroy the Follow’s feet. This workout look and feel appeals to millions of modern people of all age groups, and has the potential of turning social dancing into Every Day Life. I dance for the good life and longevity. The traditional sexualised night club party look and feel, with half naked women in high heels, appeals only to the few.

* Follow-centric dancing *

The third thing I like about this dance is that it is a good example of Follow-centric dancing. There is a good Lead/Follow balance. The Lead clearly tries to show how good she is at making the Follow dance with her with focus on the Follow. They are in this dance together as equals and have a blast of time. 

In stark contrast to how many Cuban Macho Leads often dance focusing mostly on themselves with the Follow reduced to an assistant, giving Cuban Salsa a bad name of not having enough in it for the Follows compared to most other social dance styles.

Of course this dance might not be the best Cuban Salsa dance of 2022, but at least the one that has inspired me the most. 

* Nudo Clutter *

There are too much Juvenile Nudo Clutter in the video, 25 out of 78 counts of Eight, more than 30% of the dance. Most dancers outside of Cuba consider NUDO awkward, clumsy none-dancing. The Leads find Nudo Clutter difficult to learn, remember end execute, and why bother, most Follows hate straitjacket acrobatics.

* Good figures *

I like Vacilala with back-stop (5, 29), the Two Handed Echeverría (8, 32), the Two-Handed DQN into Rodeo Inverso (10, 34), and the “DQN, Coca-Cola, Exhíbela, Enchufla, Coca-Cola” combo (52) led by the shoulders. I now use them in my own dancing.


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