Scaling Laravel Horizon Workers and Scheduler

Описание к видео Scaling Laravel Horizon Workers and Scheduler

In this video I carve out workers (Laravel Horizon) and scheduling (php artisan schedule) from our monolithic deployment into a Worker Tier by deploying those feature to their own EC2 instance.

Laravel Horizon is a powerful dashboard and queue monitoring tool built specifically for Laravel applications. It provides real-time insights into job queues, allowing developers to monitor queue throughput, job runtime, and failed jobs. With its intuitive interface and robust features like job retrying and tagging, Horizon simplifies the management and optimization of background job processing in Laravel projects.

I take you through all the steps to deploy Laravel Horizon to its own EC2 instance. This includes provisioning Ubuntu, setting up Supervisor to run Laravel Horizon, and creating a Crontab to call "php artisan schedule". Once these features are running on the new EC2 instance, I take you through shutting those down on the Web Tier. Finally, we test our new Worker Tier to ensure it is functioning as expected.

This is a continuation of the previous videos in the series where we are developing our capability to deploy an application to Amazon AWS. Previously we covered:

- 7 Steps To Deploy Laravel to AWS (8 videos, start here:    • 2024 - 7 Steps To Deploy Laravel to A...  )
- DevOps and Infrastructure As Code (4 videos, start here:    • Infrastructure as Code: Step 1 - Amaz...  )
- DevOps - Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (3 videos, start here:    • DevOps - Continuous Integration / Con...  )
- MySQL Master / Slave Deployment in Amazon AWS (   • MySQL Master / Slave Deployment in Am...  )
- Amazon AWS RDS Fully Managed Database Deployment (   • Amazon AWS RDS Fully Managed Database...  )
- Amazon AWS ElastiCache Deployment (   • Amazon AWS ElastiCache Deployment #aw...  )

#amazon #aws #amazonaws #elasticache #cache #serverless #redis #devops

#cache #scaling #laravel #laravelhorizon #horizon



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