The Arab INVASION of BYZANTIUM (630-635) and the Siege of DAMASCUS (634) | KHALID BIN WALEED #3

Описание к видео The Arab INVASION of BYZANTIUM (630-635) and the Siege of DAMASCUS (634) | KHALID BIN WALEED #3

Step back in time to the Middle Ages, where two superpowers, the Byzantine and Sasanian Empires, dominated the landscape. Our journey begins by exploring how their long-standing conflicts and domestic issues left them vulnerable to attacks from their neighbors.

Next, we shift our focus to the Arabian Peninsula, tracing its history from pre-Islamic times to its unification under the Prophet Muhammad. Witness the rise of the Rashidun Caliphate with the election of Abu Bakr as the first Caliph, setting the stage for a series of conquests.

Meet the Rashidun Caliphate’s finest general Khalid ibn al-Waleed, and follow his audacious campaign against the mighty Sasanian Empire, culminating in the conquest of Iraq. But the story doesn't end there.

Dive into the heart of our video as we unravel the Arab invasion of the Byzantine Empire. Discover how Abu Bakr entrusted Khalid ibn al-Waleed, with the mission to challenge the Romans in the Levant. Experience the intensity of the Battles of Ajnadayn and Marj al-Dibaj, and the strategic brilliance behind the Sieges of Damascus, Pella, and Emesa. With detailed battlemaps, we break down the tactics and maneuvers that allowed the Arab Rashidun army to outsmart and outmaneuver the formidable Roman forces.

It was these battles that ultimately culminated in the epic Battle of Yarmouk, the last stand of the Romans.

#MuslimGenerals, #HistoryoftheRashidunCaliphate, #ArabInvasion

00:00 – Intro
03:08 – Chapter I: War of the Giants
04:23 – Chapter II: Sasanian Civil War
05:10 – Chapter III: Prophet Muhammad
06:02 – Chapter IV: The Ridda Wars
07:10 – Chapter V: Arab invasion of Persia
08:36 – Chapter VI: Skirmishes with Byzantine Allies
09:55 – Chapter VII: Arab invasion of Byzantine Syria
10:00 – Chapter VII (A): Personalities & Initial invasion
11:32 – Chapter VII (B): All out war with the Romans
11:58 – Chapter VII (C): Call for Khalid ibn Waleed
12:14 – Chapter VII (D): Crossing the desert
12:37 – Chapter VII (E): Siege of Caesaria
12:52 – Chapter VII (F): Khalid’s initial conquests in Syria
13:23 – Chapter VII (G): Siege of Bosra
13:48 – Chapter VII (H): Battle of Ajnadayn
16:47 – Chapter VII (I): Siege of Damascus
22:55 – Chapter VII (J): Death of Caliph Abu Bakr & Election of Caliph Umar
24:22 – Chapter VII (K): Battle of Marj al Dibaj
26:22 – Chapter VII (L): Wedding desires and defiance
27:01 – Chapter VII (M): Sasanian front
27:38 – Chapter VII (N): Siege of Pella (Fahl)
28:17 – Chapter VII (O): Siege of Emesa
31:29 – Chapter VIII: Conclusion & Intro to the Battle of Yarmouk


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