[5.1/5.2 Abyss] Nahida Hyperbloom & Lyney Mono Pyro Spiral Abyss floor 12 | Genshin Impact

Описание к видео [5.1/5.2 Abyss] Nahida Hyperbloom & Lyney Mono Pyro Spiral Abyss floor 12 | Genshin Impact

At least this abyss is easier compared to before.. but with Neuvillette rerunning.. oh boy.. i dont want to see what's coming.
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Spiral Abyss floor 12 Ver. 5.1/5.2
0:00 12-1-1
1:24 12-1-2

2:31 12-2-1
4:01 12-2-2

4:54 12-3-1
6:19 12-3-2

7:14 Nahida Hyperbloom
8:25 Lyney Mono Pyro

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