Top 5 Yajirobe Moments-Dragon Ball Z Super

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Best Moments Of Yajirobe in Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super! ( Top 5 highlighted )

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Number 5- Yajirobe Kills Cymbal

This is the first time we see Yajirobe. One of King Piccolo’s minions Cymbal shows up. Kid Goku and Yajirobe both wanted to fight him. However, Yajirobe won the rock, paper, scissors game and got the rights to fight Cymbal. Cymbal looked like a decently powerful opponent compared to the standards back then, and had attacks like beam ray. But Yajirobe had no difficulties defeating him and sliced him in 2 using his sword. Later on, Yajirobe actually cooked and ate Cymbal. This was a big deal in Dragon Ball and Yajirobe looked like a top tier character. This event also panicked King Piccolo.

Number 4- Yajirobe Saves Goku

After killing The Demon King on mid-air Kid Goku was helplessly falling down. Since his body was badly damaged it was implied that the fall alone could cause his death. However, Yajirobe appeared out of nowhere swiftly jumped and caught Goku saving him from the big fall.If it wasn’t for Yajirobe Goku wouldn’t be able to face Piccolo Jr. and the earth’s fate would be in danger.

Number 3- Yajirobe carries Goku to the top of Korin tower

Kid Goku got easily beaten in his first encounter against King Piccolo. Yajirobe rescued him immediately after the battle and helped him to heal to some extent. Yajirobe with the assisted help from Bora carries damaged Goku on his back to the top Korin tower. There Goku get Senzu beans and heals his wound. This was something very crucial done by Yajirobe. Climbing in the top of the Korin tower alone is an extremely difficult task. Master Roshi one of the strongest martial artists was the only one to climb to the top of the tower before Kid Goku. So, this shows Yajirobes bravery as well as true potential. Being a guy who rarely trains and physically overweight it was truly a great feat on his behalf to do that. Again, without Yajirobe Goku would probably never reach the top of Korin tower in such a short time. King Piccolo would end up destroying most of the earth. Yeah, in short Yajirobe really ruled the King Piccolo arc.

Number 2- Yajirobe saves Goku and Future Trunks

Okay, now this one’s a future version of Yajirobe and the only entry from Dragon Ball Super from what we have seen until episode 58. Just when Black and Zamasu was about to destroy Goku and Trunks, Vegeta interfered and was able to create enough distraction. Taking the opportunity Yajirobe swiftly took Goku and Trunks out of the danger Zone. He then ran towards the time machine carrying Goku and Trunks with him. Again, if not for Yajirobe and Mai’s additional help; all of them would probably die.


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