The honest TRUTH about living in Guanajuato Mexico 🇲🇽

Описание к видео The honest TRUTH about living in Guanajuato Mexico 🇲🇽

Is Guanajuato Mexico a place to call home? In this video, I share the major pros and cons about living in Guanajuato City. I'm sharing he honest TRUTH about living here.

Many people try and relocate to Mexico and move to this city without doing their proper research...and quickly realize they aren't prepared for the different style and pace of life.

My goal is to provide you with on the ground, real life experiences of what it's like to call a place like Guanajuato Mexico...HOME.

If you like this video and are thinking of calling Guanajuato a place to call home, you might be interested in attending one of our 'Guanajuato Immersion Retreats' where we show you the ins an outs of living in Guanajuato as a local. Check out our site here:

Video link:    • The honest TRUTH about living in Guan...  

#lifeinguanajuato #relocatetomexico #mysocalledmidlifecrisis


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