(22 Feb 1996) Natural Sound

Britain's Princess Diana has walked into controversy in Pakistan with a visit to a cancer hospital run by sporting hero Imran Khan.

Although she says she is just helping with fund-raising, critics say Khan is using the visit to boost his political career.

During her visit Diana met young patients being treated at the hospital with Khan's British-born wife Jemima and Lady Annabel Goldsmith, his mother-in-law.

Dressed in a light-blue traditional Pakistani shalwar kameez - trousers and long shirt - the Princess of Wales made what was supposed to be a private visit to Imran Khan's cancer hospital.

A frequent visitor to British hospitals - Diana showed a sure touch when she met patients and staff.

The woman who wants to be known as the "Queen of Hearts" came on a goodwill mission to the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital in the city of Lahore.

The Princess toured the hospital with Imran, her host in Pakistan, his English wife Jemima and Lady Annabel Goldsmith, Imran's mother-in-law.

She sat at the bedsides of several young patients - held their hands and talked to doctors about their treatment.

However, some people were shocked by the Princess's forward style in a country where some people think it rude for a man to touch a female stranger.

The hospital was founded by Imran Khan to care for patients with cancer.

He says his intentions are purely charitable, but the government believes he is using the hospital to increase his popularity - before he becomes a politician.

State-run Pakistani TV cut Imran out of pictures of the visit.

After lunch, Diana attended a children's party on the wards.

She was welcomed by women throwing handfuls of flower petals into a huge tent full of patients and staff.

Together with Jemima Khan, the Princess watched a display of singing and dancing by young patients which both seemed to enjoy.

The two were presented with garlands by well-wishers.

The Princess was Thursday night - a guest-of-honour at a fund-raising dinner.

She flies back to Britain on Friday.

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