【20150810】亚洲榜样星动发布会 华晨宇cut 完整版

Описание к видео 【20150810】亚洲榜样星动发布会 华晨宇cut 完整版


在发布会期间,有歌迷被点名上台来分享华晨宇是怎么影响他的,而那歌迷说:“如果每个人都是盲人而未来有一道光会照亮他们,我很庆幸我的这道光叫华晨宇。”华晨宇表示他不想成为像太阳一样照亮全宇宙,他只要像微光一样,有需要时他就可以照亮你,不需要他时,你记得要照顾好自己。期间,华晨宇的歌迷还特意准备了华晨宇偶像,Lady Gaga 的一首《Bad Romance》来献给他。华晨宇听了后说道:“她(歌迷)弹的琴还比我好。”然后他还自动坐到钢琴前,临时改了Bad Romance,由他改编后的与刚才他歌迷唱的意境气氛全都不一样了,然而都一样好听。



What should an idol be like? An idol is a person who influences you and be a role model that you might want to be like. The event Chenyu Hua attended was the Asia Idol Action Conference, and he was selected to be role model spokesperson for the Asia region. During the interview, the host mentioned about the 2015 Mars Concert that just ended and it initiated the topic regarding his high spirited live performances on stage and his talents in impromptu song-writing with his fans.

During the press conference, a Martian was selected to share about how Chenyu Hua influenced her. She mentioned that if everyone was born blind at first and only had one light tho lead their way to the future, she was glad to have that light to be Chenyu Hua. However, Chenyu Hua replied that he did not want to be light like the Sun that brightens up the whole universe; he just wanted to be like a shimmer light that shines whenever you needed him. In the moments that you don't need him, he wished that everyone could take care of themselves. Martians even prepared Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" for him. He sat at the piano right after her performance, praising her piano performance. He then improvised part of the song, which was totally different from her performance.

When Bibi Zhou, Chenyu Hua's senior and another role model spokesperson, was mentioned, he responded that he was impressed by her singing before. When both of them were interviewed, Chenyu Hua sat obediently like a child and politely answered all of the questions. When he was asked to give comments, he admitted his respect for Bibi Zhou.

In the following session, Chenyu Hua was asked to draw the role model he would like to confess his thoughts to; but, he drew a Pigsy instead because he wished everyone could do what they wanted, be it to sleep or to eat or to have the love that could light up other people's lives. The event ended with a photo shooting session.


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