PROGRESS Wrestling: Chapter 169 - The Devil On My Shoulder REVIEW!

Описание к видео PROGRESS Wrestling: Chapter 169 - The Devil On My Shoulder REVIEW!

It's been a hot minutes since I spoke about PRORESS Wrestling on my channel....But we're back!

PROGRESS was on a little bit of hiatus following Super Strong Style and it was all leading to The Devil On My Shoulder, a show with a LOT of hype going into it!

Not only was Danhausen making an appearance, but we also had the blowoff to the Proteus Championship story with Malik and Paul Robinson. The Lana Austin Experience imploding AND Kid Lykos taking on his friend Luke Jacobs in the main event!

So, how did this show do in building for Wrestling Never Sleeps? Let's dive into this!

Let me know your thoughts int he comments below and be sure to hit subscribe for more wrestling content!

#progresswrestling #indiewrestling #danhausen


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