Illegal Immigrants' U-Visa Scam: Staged Robberies for Special Visas and Citizenship

Описание к видео Illegal Immigrants' U-Visa Scam: Staged Robberies for Special Visas and Citizenship

Federal prosecutors have charged six individuals in a Chicago-based scheme where fake armed robberies were staged to allow "victims" to apply for U.S. immigration visas reserved for legitimate crime victims. The scheme involved hundreds of people, including out-of-towners, posing as customers in various businesses. The ring's ringleaders, Parth Nayi and Kewon Young, coordinated the operations, while "victims" paid thousands to be "robbed" for visa benefits. A serious turn occurred when a staged robbery accidentally resulted in a severe injury to a store clerk. The fraudulent activities lasted over two years, leading to a broader investigation into similar visa frauds.

#ImmigrationFraud #ChicagoCrime #VisaScam


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