Halo x Among Us (Animation)

Описание к видео Halo x Among Us (Animation)

Don't you just hate when that happens?
You can support the channel on Patreon ►   / chrisofthedead  
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Our actors are:
Chris: ChrisOfTheDead -   / chrisdanimation  
Kayden/Kat: DarkEcoKat -   / darkecokat  
April: AprilsaurusRex -   / aprilsaurusrex  
Alex: KrazyGameNerd -   / krazygamenerd  
Asha: AshasCadence -   / shelbyhartung1  

The game we recorded for the opening Halo 2 footage (In case you're interested.)
   • Recording Halo 2 for my Halo x Among ...  

Music Used:

Padanaya Blokov - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


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