Self Enquiry - By Swami Sarvapriyanandaji

Описание к видео Self Enquiry - By Swami Sarvapriyanandaji

Swami Sarvapriyanandaji speaks on Self Enquiry

How shall we know the knower? The Vedanta says, "We are It, but can never know It, because It can never become the object of knowledge." Modern science also says that It cannot be known. We can, however, have glimpses of It from time to time. When the delusion of this world is once broken, it will come back to us, but no longer will it hold any reality for us. We shall know it as a mirage. To reach behind the mirage is the aim of all religions. That man and God are one is the constant teaching of the Vedas, but only few are able to penetrate behind the veil and reach the realisation of this truth.


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