Step Stately

Описание к видео Step Stately

When I danced Step Stately as a young man, I recall, we used a running step throughout and the tempo was driving. The dance (1651) is a great show piece, and we were challenged and thrilled by it. It is a great spectacle even now.

With the exception of the energetic running step, this version danced at Country Dancers of Westchester's 2015 Spring Ball is faithful to the reconstruction published by Sharp and available from CDSS in Keller and Shimer's "The Playford Ball: 103 Early English Country Dances." If you do not own that book, I strongly recommend its purchase, since it not only has the dances and music but also a great deal of interesting commentary on the choreography and the tunes.

Many thanks to Orly Krasner, who championed this dance, and to the dancers at the Ball, who braved taking on its challenge. Special kudos also to the Flying Romanos for their fine performance of the tune some dozen times through!


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