💭llSolarballs react to...Earth...ll1/?ll💭

Описание к видео 💭llSolarballs react to...Earth...ll1/?ll💭

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The Iris

____Who is #@^@▪︎.□°▪︎________
#@^@▪︎ is a planet like Earth but more technology,Human and bigger..#@^@▪︎ is more like a big brother to earth even earth didn't create or "born" yet...Since #@^@▪︎ has been destroy by "the accident" Earth was created or "born " by #@^@▪︎'s core...so How earth know who is #@^@▪︎is from Jupiter and The Iris

Except having yellow and blue eyes,He has a #### eyes that glitch anyone and anything so he mostly close his eyes while rei and red help him to navigate....plus his fashion is similar like the iris

#@^@▪︎ is a mystery man with a lot of knowledge and his "friends",..Rai,red,hellim and the iris..."The accident" has change everyone...if you see him,tell earth...he will be "happy"...You can trust me...

#@^@▪︎ is a wonderful person and has a bunch of personality but some of his personality is..."Difficult" but he is very nice

His other self,Earth has is great personality and he try to calm his "spoiled brat personality"...but If he got remind of #@^@▪︎ is different


Don't ever speak of his name -earth

You have very great knowledge for a earthlings but nothing more than #@^@▪︎'s knowledge -Iris

Don't look at his real eyes -Jupiter

Oh him?,I will not speak of him anymore -Sun


@-a {-m ¥-y
}-b ▪︎-n 2-z
)-c. ○-o
□-d 6-p
3-e %-q
£-f 1-r
9-g 5-s
#-h 7-t
!-i 0-u
/-j ^-v
|-k ₩-w
(-l ¤-x

(#@^@▪︎ is Havan in this language)

(will use for secret word and hiding word)


who is Havan?....
He is no one...-earth


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