Regeneten: Safe and Effective for Reducing Rotator cuff Retears Regeneten: 회전근개 재파열 감소를 위한 안전성과 효과

Описание к видео Regeneten: Safe and Effective for Reducing Rotator cuff Retears Regeneten: 회전근개 재파열 감소를 위한 안전성과 효과

Let’s talk about the Regeneten bioinductive collagen patch and its role in rotator cuff repairs. This innovative patch is designed to enhance tendon healing by stimulating the body’s natural tissue regeneration. Here's what you need to know about its safety, effectiveness, and ability to reduce retear rates. First, safety: Studies show that the Regeneten patch has a favorable safety profile with minimal complications. Rare cases of inflammation or rice body formation have been reported, but these are very uncommon and usually manageable. Next, effectiveness: The patch helps increase tendon thickness by inducing new tissue formation. This additional tissue reduces strain on the repaired tendon and provides structural support during the healing process. Finally, reducing retear rates: Clinical studies demonstrate that using the Regeneten patch can significantly lower retear rates, especially in patients with poor tissue quality or large rotator cuff tears. For example, retear rates in augmented repairs were reported as low as 8.3%, compared to 25.8% in traditional repairs. In summary, the Regeneten bioinductive collagen patch is a safe and effective option that improves tendon healing and reduces retear rates, offering better outcomes for rotator cuff repair patients.


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