Beginner's Guide to Warrior Tank | World of Warcraft Dragonflight

Описание к видео Beginner's Guide to Warrior Tank | World of Warcraft Dragonflight

Answering the question "What Tank Should I Play" Let's talk about the Warrior Protection spec in Dragonflight and seeing if it is the kind of class you want to play! We will look at theme, fun abilities, rotation, and talents to help you make an informed decision.

Over 90% of gamers peak at "Gold" or lower levels of play, and those players need guides to help them get started, and get to that potential. I am hoping to help players get there and I hope you enjoy!

0:00 - Intro
0:38 - Theme
1:32 - What Does It Do Well?
3:24 - What Makes It Fun?
4:13 - Rotation and Cooldowns
7:17 - Talents
9:40 - Wrapup

Hey! I'm Zesty Phresh a passionate entertainer who wants to bring excitement into a tedious world. I'm a 30 something year old with a decent disposable income who spends his money buying toys and games, and then likes to review or share fun moments of them with the community. I really hope you enjoy what I have to offer.
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This channel is mostly focused on games that I play with my wife and friends such as APEX, Divinity, and Mech Warrior 5

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