The Red Rogue's full Dragonflight Rogue Weakaura Suite is FINALLY Ready!

Описание к видео The Red Rogue's full Dragonflight Rogue Weakaura Suite is FINALLY Ready!

Took way longer than I wanted it to, but I hope this new set of WeakAuras proves useful to you! I have included the individual components on Wago.IO as well as the full, all in one package if you prefer that. ^^

Shiba Merch is a thing now! -

All of my WeakAuras I made for my personal UI:

But wait, there's more!
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Twitter- @ZeraTheRedRogue

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If you are interested in helping support the Shiba Shenanigans, maybe become a patron of mine? Thank you so much for your time and consideration. ^^

As always- This is The Red Rogue, and I'll see you guys around.

*Okayest Rogue in North America is subject to debate and might be less than or more than Okayest at any given time.

0:00:00 Introduction/Overview
0:00:27 What the new Weakauras Do/Look like
0:05:50 Thank you for watching! ^^


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