Apartheid Flag | AfriForum approaches Supreme Court of Appeal to legalise display of old flag

Описание к видео Apartheid Flag | AfriForum approaches Supreme Court of Appeal to legalise display of old flag

AfriForum has argued that the Equality Court's order on the displaying of the old flag set off a series of unintended consequences for the future.
It's told the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein that the order was made without meeting the required threshold to declare the act as hate speech. It contends that there should be facts about the act before determining whether something amounts to hate speech.
Representing AfriForum, Advocate Mark Oppenheimer has told the court that the displaying of the flag during the black Monday protests in 2017 was not planned and it is not even known what the intention or reason behind the act was. Let's listen in.

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