Prehistoric Park RPG Supertrailer

Описание к видео Prehistoric Park RPG Supertrailer

this is my first video on my new account. to clarify, i'm oshron, the same guy who uploaded the prehistoric park (v02) RPG trailers #1 and 2. this video was inspired after i saw the LOTR trilogy supertrailer, and is of comparable length.

the songs and other audio used in these clips are the audio from the Prehistoric Park opening sequence, the songs "River Reminisence" (JP3, iirc), "Brachiosaurs on teh Bank" (JP3), the opening theme to Disney's Dinosaur (i cant remember teh actual name at this time), "Lux Aeterna" (aka Requiem for a Dream), and "Burn It All" (from Backdraft and the JP and TLW:JP trailers)

the clips are BORROWED--not STOLEN, not TAKEN, BORROWED--from Prehistoric Park, the entire Walking with... Series, Primeval (seasons 1 and 2), the entire Jurassic Park series, the Walking with... spin-offs Land of Giants, The Giant Claw, The Ballad of Big Al, and Sea Monsters, and two of them are from Peter Jackson's King Kong. oh! and there's one from Disney's Dinosaur as well.

as an aide, i would like to say that i really do love how this trailer turned out, its probably among my best video work. all of the editing was done by me.

and i'm just gonna say "Fuck you." to anyone from WMG who may see this and think that i'm infringing anything. i am not. i am not making money off of this, i am not claiming ownership over any of the companies that made these clips or these songs, i purchased all of the DVDs and songs legally, i have no criminal record, so you have no fucking right to ever disable the audio on this video.

oh, i would also like to make it clear that i actually made this between the spring and summer of 2008, so this is actually pretty old. back then, my Prehistoric Park (v02) RPG was at its height, but has since gone extinct itself. ive tried to revive it as (v03), but that was an epic failure. however, i AM gonna be making another version soon on its own site, but thats still a ways off. in any case, when that happens, you may be able to expect a new trailer for that as well

i also apologize for the quality of the clips. thats what i get for all that editing (rolls his eyes)

oh, and any comments about how fake it looks or how cheap anything is about this will be removed and its author blocked, period. you will not even be argued with.

EDIT: thanks, everyone, for 1,000 views! :D


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