PO-33 KO! Sampler First Impressions and Sounds

Описание к видео PO-33 KO! Sampler First Impressions and Sounds

I decided to see what all the fuss was about, and picked up a PO-33 sampler to make some horrible sounds with. Sample the planet mannnn.

p.s. I think I said the Mega Man PO was based on the PO-33. It's not. It's based on the PO-28, the Robot. Cannae win em all.

Find me on Instagram:   / allmyfriendsaresynths  
My blog with music and write ups: http://unexpectedbowtie.com
My DIY tape label, Cow Tongue Taco Records: https://cowtonguetacorecords.bandcamp...
Get access to all my sample packs, music, and other exclusive stuff:   / allmyfriendsaresynths  
Download individual sample packs here: https://gumroad.com/allmyfriends I post all of the music I make, including WAV stems; sample packs; Dirtywave M8 song bundles; collections of video textures; early access to videos; and a whole pile of other stuff on Patreon. I know I know, I hate doing this as well, but if you like what I do and want to get more of it, while also helping me offset some of my ludicrous gear purchases, this is the best place to do it:

  / allmyfriendsaresynths  

If you just want to hang out and chat with me or other (nice) folks, drop by the Discord:   / discord  

If you just want individual sample packs or downloads of video footage to use in your own projects, get them on Gumroad here: https://gumroad.com/allmyfriends

If you're in the market for new gear, my favourite place to find new and interesting synthesizers and other electronic music gear is Signal Sounds. They are based in Glasgow, but ship all over the place and often have stuff nobody else does. Find them at https://www.signalsounds.com/

If you're in the US and shop at Perfect Circuit, you can click through to see what they have in stock just now through my custom link. I get a small commission for any purchases made, which keeps me stocked up with whisky and beard oil. https://link.perfectcircuit.com/t/v1/...

and a whole pile of other stuff...

Instagram:   / allmyfriendsaresynths  
My main photo and video art blog: http://allmyfriendsarejpegs.com
The band I play guitar and sing in: http://closetorgan.bandcamp.com
The band I play bass and sing in: http://hogwyld.bandcamp.com
My DIY tape label, Cow Tongue Taco Records: https://cowtonguetacorecords.bandcamp...
My occasional music blog: http://unexpectedbowtie.com
Get in touch for possible collabs/offers of large sums of money, etc: allmyfas at gmail


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