Gosselin organizing the first heavy-lift deliveries for Ineos Project One in POAB Antwerp (Belgium)

Описание к видео Gosselin organizing the first heavy-lift deliveries for Ineos Project One in POAB Antwerp (Belgium)

Ineos Belgium awarded the Gosselin Group as their general contractor for the marshalling yard for Ineos Project One.

On Friday, May 31 2024, Biglift Shipping b.v. vessel, MV Happy Star, delivered the first 2 heavy-lifts at the heavy-lift marshalling yard PSA Breakbulk Terminal (410).

Both splitter (591T unit weight) and demethanizer (347T unit weight) were safely discharged onto double 32 axle self-propelled modular transporter of Felbermayr and after internal transport, both units landed onto stool arrangement of Sarens.

An example of excellent, pro-active communication & overall safe operation in between all partners.

#gosselin #psabreakbulk #bigliftshipping #felbermayr #sarens #ineosprojectone #ineosbelgium #movingyourworld


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