Exercise 5a Article (Page 166 to 169) Oxford New Countdown Grade 3 by Iqra Zahra

Описание к видео Exercise 5a Article (Page 166 to 169) Oxford New Countdown Grade 3 by Iqra Zahra

Exercise 5a Article (Page 166 to 169) Oxford New Countdown Grade 3 by Iqra Zahra
Dear Students!
In this lecture, we will complete the article of Exercsie 5a of chapter 5 (Time) of Oxford New Countdown Book 3 Third Edition.
In this lecture, following topics will be covered.
1. Thinking of Fives.
In this section, you will learn difference hours and minutes.
2. Reading time.
Here, you will understand the concept of "Past the hour" and "to the hour".
3. Conversion of units of time.
a) Conversion of days and hours.
b) Conversion of hours and minutes.


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