Hello Sleep: Herbal ZZZ's Skullcap, Passionflower, Valerian

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Hello Sleep: Herbal ZZZ's Skullcap, Passionflower, Valerian
Learn about three excellent sleep herbs and how to use them.

Sleep is so important! So much of our well being depends on it. Today you’ll learn about three popular herbs known for helping us get good, restorative sleep.

I often get asked what herb is best for sleep. Really, that depends on you, and your particular situation and constitution. Still, let’s explore these excellent choices: skullcap, passionflower and valerian.

All of them are nervines that support nerve health. They are hypotensives (bring down blood pressure) that are calming and anxiety reducing.

In general, I prefer to use these herbs as tinctures, and to be taken about 20 minutes before sleep.

But First: a Simple Equation that Supports Health and Sleep
A nutrient-dense, blood-sugar stable menu made up of whole, natural foods + a healthy emotional life + exercise in fresh air and sunshine + reduce / eliminate screen time a couple of hours before bed = restorative sleep and health!

Having said that, let’s look at these three popular herbs for sleep.

Valerian is perhaps the most famous. It is a strong, warming, antispasmodic that brings on sleep, especially for folks that run a bit cooler. Think of it as a sedative that relaxes muscles and calms nerves, but if you are a fiery person with lots of heat, perhaps try a different herb.

Valerian caveats: It can cause a speedy-adrenal response in some folks. So try a small amount and see how it affects you. It has a funky odor (that you should be able to smell)!

Growing valerian is easy with a bit of shade and rich, moist soil. It’a a perennial that often spreads by seed, and gets wild, which I am happy for in my gardens.

Dosage: 30-40 drops 20 minutes before sleep. Repeat dose in the night, if needed.
Tincture formula: 1:4 = 1 part organic dried root to 4 parts menstruum of 50% alcohol and 50% water.

Skullcap is a cooling, calming nervine that reduces anxiety, soothes emotions, and gently promotes sleep. It is not a strong sedative, but will encourage sleep when needed. It’s also used for meditation and mental focus.

I love gathering skullcap. It thrives in the deep woodlands where the soil is rich and moist—often growing where streams turn to trickles in summer.

Dosage: 30–40 drops 3-5x a day; or 20 minutes before sleep, and repeat in the night, if needed.
Tincture formula: 1:2 = 1 part fresh flowering tops to 2 parts menstruum of 75% alcohol 25% water (aprox. 55% alcohol final alcohol content).

Passionflower is a helpful sedative to stop “mental diarrhea” or looping thoughts. It calms the mind, and eases the heart—used for worry, stress, and sometimes grief.

Dosage: 30–40 drops 3-5x a day; or 20 minutes before sleep, and repeat in the night, if needed.
Tincture formula: 1:5 = 1 part dried leaf, flower and tender stem to 5 parts menstruum of 66% alcohol 34% water.

Cautionary note: Please research any new food or medicine, go slowly, learn, and discuss using it with your healthcare provider. Avoid using these herbs with central nervous system depressants such as alcohol, opiates, and benzodiazepines.

Wishing you health and restorative sleep!

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