Super Mario Makeover! Lesson One: The Shell Jump

Описание к видео Super Mario Makeover! Lesson One: The Shell Jump

Each week on Super Mario Makeover, Red Bull Esports's Golden Boy GrandPOOBear will provide me a custom Super Mario Maker 2 level engineered to educate me in the ways of one particular tricky speedrun technique. He'll drill me until I beg for mercy. When the recording ends, my pain does not: on the bus and on the toilet I will master GrandPOOBear's insidious obstacle gauntlets. The next week, I'll demonstrate my progress, bask in his approval, and then face the next challenge. 500 episodes later, I will have BECOME GrandPOOBear, and Red Bull Esports will have NO CHOICE other than to send ME his hat.

The first lesson: learn to do a Shell Jump.


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