What Nobody Ever Told You About Moses

Описание к видео What Nobody Ever Told You About Moses

Hollywood’s 1956 epic religious movie The Ten Commandments was about the biblical story of the life of the prophet Moses. It starred Hollywood heavyweights, including Charlton Heston as Moses and Yul Brynner as pharoah Rameses II.

The movie touched on the events of Moses's life, like his receiving the ten commandments on Mount Sinai, and the freeing of enslaved Hebrew people from Egypt. But is it true? The story of Moses is one of the Old Testament's most recognized stories that's been retold countless times, but here’s what nobody ever told you about Moses.

#Moses #TheBible #Religion

Nobody knows what 'Moses' means | 0:00
Baby Moses snatched Pharaoh's crown | 1:20
Moses killed a dude | 2:17
He might've had a stutter | 2:57
God tried to kill Moses | 4:04
A sibling rivalry | 4:57
Moses saw God's butt | 5:57
He didn't have horns | 6:49
Moses didn't reach the Promised Land | 7:34
Fight over his corpse | 8:31
Did Moses invent the alphabet? | 9:17
Not the only river baby | 10:07

Read Full Article: https://www.grunge.com/186147/the-unt...


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