Ghena Dimitrova: Verdi - Nabucco, 'Ben io t'invenni Salgo già'

Описание к видео Ghena Dimitrova: Verdi - Nabucco, 'Ben io t'invenni Salgo già'

Ghena Dimitrova (Bulgarian: Гeна Димитpова) (6 May 1941--11 June 2005) was a Bulgarian operatic soprano. Her voice was known for its power and extension used in operatic roles such as Turandot in a career spanning four decades. She started singing in the school choir and her powerful voice led to her being offered a place at the Sofia Conservatory studying under Cristo Brambarov between 1959 and 1964. While she was initially classified as a mezzo-soprano, she was recognised as a soprano in her second year. She made her Italian debut as Turandot in Treviso in 1975, and essayed the same role for her 1983 La Scala debut opposite tenor Plácido Domingo in Franco Zeffirelli's lavish production. Her Turandot is also preserved in a video of the Arena di Verona production from 1983, with Nicola Martinucci and Cecilia Gasdia. In 1988, she made her debut at the Metropolitan Opera in New York performing the same role. Dimitrova once said of the role: "Turandot may not be my favorite part, but it shows off the voice to great advantage. The way the music is written, you need a voice like a trumpet to do it justice." Her debut in the United States was in 1981 performing the role of Elvira in Ernani. She sang at the Barbican Arts Centre in Ponchielli's La Gioconda in 1983 before making her Covent Garden debut in the same year...

Lyrics & English Translation

Behold, the whirlwind of the Lord goeth forth: it shall fall upon the head of the wicked. (Jeremiah 30:23)

entering hastily, with a parchment in her hand
Happy chance I found you, oh fatal document! In his bosom
the King tried to hide you, in order to prove
my shame!... Abigail, issue of slaves!
Very well, let it be so! ... Daughter of Nabucco
such as the Assyrians take me to be,
what am I here? Worse than a slave! The throne
the King confides to the younger Fenena,
whilst he, among his soldiers, bends his mind
to exterminate Judaea! Me he sends from the battlefield here
to observe the lives of others! Oh, wretches all,
and even more deluded! Little do you know
the heart of Abigail!
Upon everyone you will see
my fury fall! Ah yes! Let Fenena fall ...
my pretended father ... the whole realm!
Upon me hurl thyself, oh fatal anger!

I, too, once opened
my heart to happiness!
Everything around me
I heard speak of holy love;
I wept at others' tears,
suffered at others' pain;
ah! to that lost enchantment
who will return me one day?
I wept at others' tears, etc.
The High Priest of Baal, accompanied by soothsayers, now enters.
Who comes here?

My eyes have witnessed
a terrible sight!

Oh! Of what do you speak?

Fenena is a wicked woman,
she is setting the Hebrews free!


Who now can check
this accursed rabble?
Power awaits you ...

How's that?

All is prepared.

We have already spread the rumour abroad
that the King has fallen in battle ...
The people call for you as queen
to save the Assyrian land.
Only a step... fortune is yours.
Be stout of heart!

I am with you! Go!
Oh, faithful subject, this woman
shall not yield to you in stalwart courage!

I now ascend the blood-stained seat
of the golden throne.
From that seat I shall be able
to take my revenge.
That the sceptre is mine by right
all peoples shall see! Ah!
Royal princesses will come hither
to beg favours of the humble slave.

And the vengeance of Baal
will thunder alongside yours!
Yes, alongside yours!

I now ascend the blood-stained seat, etc.

And the vengeance of Baal
will thunder alongside yours!

they will beg grace of the humble slave.

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Please Enjoy!

I send my kind and warm regards,


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