जात-पात के नाम एक और Couple हुआ बर्बाद | Crime Patrol 2.0 | Full Episode

Описание к видео जात-पात के नाम एक और Couple हुआ बर्बाद | Crime Patrol 2.0 | Full Episode

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Sahil and Ritu are madly in love and decide to run away after Ritu's family does not agree with their marriage. However, they get jumped on by goons and go missing on the night they planned to elope. What secrets will the police's investigation uncover?

Show Name: Crime Patrol 2.0
Episode: 152
Producer: Anup Soni, Shamael Khan

#CrimePatrol2.0 #CP2.0 #क्राइमपैट्रॉल2.0 #livcrime

About Crime Patrol 2.0:
Crime Patrol 2.0 is the New Crime Patrol series wherein our objective is to tell our viewers about the crime which happen/May happen around them. One of the data suggests most of the crime which happens in our country is done by people whom the victims already knew and our purpose is to depict those stories where crime has been done by someone close to the victim. Our show communicates the message to be aware of our surroundings so that we do not fall prey to such evil-minded people.

Click here to watch more episodes from 'Crime Patrol 2.0' :    • Full Episodes | Crime Patrol 2.0  

जात-पात के नाम एक और Couple हुआ बर्बाद | Crime Patrol 2.0 | Full Episode


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