20. Kalamos to Ithaca. Part 1. Searching for Jeff Bezos' "Roku" | Sailing Cat Gem

Описание к видео 20. Kalamos to Ithaca. Part 1. Searching for Jeff Bezos' "Roku" | Sailing Cat Gem

Ahoy! Thanks for stopping by and joining us on our short crossing from Kalamos to Ithaca! We change our initial plans of visiting a popular beach on Atakos island (Greek Pig Beach) in order to avoid the masses, and we head straight to Ithaca Island, to the main town of Vathy. But wait, wait´s that in the distance? Stick around to find out what the rumour in the wind is.

Thanks again for your time, and in our part 2 of Vathy (Ithaca) video, we´ll go into more detail of the town, its offerings, and what we did to pass our time there!

Catch you all in the next one,

Hinton, Danah, Saylor and Jabulani


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