Key Battery Nemo, Bipper, Fiorino, Relay, Boxer, Ducato

Описание к видео Key Battery Nemo, Bipper, Fiorino, Relay, Boxer, Ducato

Car Key battey change is easy with our video. This will show you haw to replace the key battery on a Citroen Nemo, Peugeot Bipper, Fiat Fiorino, Citroen Relay, Peugeot Boxer and Fiat Ducato Key

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So today we've got a Peugeot Bipper key, same as on a Nemo and a Fiat Ducato and Fiorino. This is a really common key now. And we're going to change the battery.

So the first thing is that this here is where the battery compartment is. This is an insert into the key, and if you look on that screw there you can see that the screw is pointing to the locked padlock, and you just need to turn it a little bit so that it shows unlocked.

Okay, once you've done that just get your screwdriver, pop it in there. You don't have to force it; it'll come open really easily. Take that out. Pop that out of the way.

So this is your insert. To get the key battery out of the insert, turn it over and you just pop a screwdriver in the back of there. That means that the battery can just be pulled out. The battery is a 2032—really common. Most key batteries are 2032s now. This one's fine, so we're gonna pop it back in. Okay.

And then when you put this back into here, there's just a little trick that you've got to do. You've got a little ridge there. That's there to locate into a groove that is just where my screwdriver's going there. You can't really see it if we put the key there, but it must go under that groove, otherwise it won't shut.

So the thing to do is push that in and then push that hard down so that it goes underneath, and when you're happy that it's there, push this down. You might have to get a screwdriver and give it a bit of a push because they don't always close properly.

Then change that to the lock position. You'll know if it's correct because ... Okay. So that's wrong. That is not down properly, so let's have a look why. It's good that we showed you that—of course, on purpose. Ha-ha. Okay, and that's because ... That end's okay, but this end is not down properly, so I'm just gonna give it a push. There you go. Now give it a twist. And hopefully that is that.

So that's working properly. So that was simply because this end wasn't pushed down far enough. Something was getting in the way there.

So there you go. If it's done right, the key or blade will go back home and then with a three-button Peugeot, Citroën, or Fiat key you are good to go.

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