Dr. Stuart Hameroff, M.D. — Microtubules & quantum consciousness

Описание к видео Dr. Stuart Hameroff, M.D. — Microtubules & quantum consciousness

Dr. Stuart Hameroff
Quantum Consciousness Theorist — Anesthesiologist and professor at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona http://GF2045.com/speakers/.

Researches consciousness, anesthesia and microtubules, i.e. protein structures which organize living cells including brain neurons.

Proposed in the early 1980's that microtubules functioned as molecular computers. His 1987 book Ultimate Computing suggested downloading consciousness into microtubule arrays. Teamed with British physicist Sir Roger Penrose in the mid-1990s to develop the controversial Orch OR theory in which consciousness derives from quantum computations in microtubules inside brain neurons, quantum computations connected to the fine- scale structure of spacetime geometry.

Orch OR has major implications for the nature of our existence, place in the universe, and future of consciousness. Co-creators of the Orch OR model of the quantum nature of consciousness and memory.

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