Biden Making Deals To Counter China - G20 meeting and Vietnam Visit

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Biden Takes Global Action, Forging Agreements to Counterbalance China

Throughout his presidency, Joe Biden has consistently portrayed it as a contest between democracy and autocracy, positioning the United States in opposition to both Russia and China.

At the recent G20 meeting in New Delhi, Biden seized the opportunity to align himself with the leaders of India and Saudi Arabia.

During his visit to Vietnam, Biden aimed to bolster ties with the communist nation, including a partnership between Vietnam Airlines and the U.S. corporation Boeing.

This strategic move sought to enhance the U.S. presence in emerging markets, a concept commonly referred to as "friend-shoring."

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman jointly announced their involvement in the new India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor.

Biden emphasized the significance of this announcement, characterizing it as occurring at a pivotal juncture in history.

Nonetheless, it is worth noting that the interests of all participating nations do not always align seamlessly.

Western leaders, including Biden, were required to temper their joint G20 statement concerning Russia's actions in Ukraine.

Instead of explicitly singling out Russia, the statement urged "all states" to abstain from utilizing force to pursue territorial acquisition.

This diplomatic maneuver aligns with the concept of "friend-shoring," a strategy aimed at diversifying supply chains away from China to mitigate political risks.

While Biden's foreign excursions aim to fortify diplomatic ties and dispel concerns about his age and competency, they occasionally yield awkward moments.

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