"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... without knowing a favorable report when I read one."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... without being a real winner when I see one."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by waffling. Never use two words where one will do. That's my motto; that's my axiom."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... without learning how to handle people. I give them a warning shot across the bows, but I don't let them realize I'm giving them a warning shot across the bows."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... without learning how to compromise."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... biting people in the changing room."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by saying 'ear-wig' instead of 'thank-you'."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... without having a little Champagne, not too much, just enough."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... talking about Dutch parking meter disease."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... shaking hands with the person on my right."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... without getting letters from cranks."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... without making enemies."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... wondering what life is all about."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by thinking."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by knowing the difference between one foreign country and another."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... without knowing there's no fun in getting to where I am today."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... without naming it 'The Reginald Perrin Memorial Foundation'."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... trusting the easy chairs."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by having lipstick on my face."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... posing as my long lost friend from the Argentine."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... caring about people."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by making room for broken reeds, lame ducks or stool-pigeons."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... indulging in hanky-panky."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... without recognizing a front when I see one."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... without recognizing another front."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by having two black eyes."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by telling the truth."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... without knowing a slight wobble when I enter one."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... without recognizing _REGGIE PERRIN_!!"

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... without knowing Grot would be a success."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... without recognizing another slight wobble when I see one."

"I DIDN'T GET to WHERE you are TODAY... without knowing the night is darkest before the storm."

"I DIDN'T GET to WHERE you are TODAY... without being a bit of a stickler for offices."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... without recognizing promising in-roads when I see them."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... without recognizing a completely useless machine when I see one."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by serving Welsh people."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by (calling the new shop) Grot Fabriken Rubbish Haus."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by being nice."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... without recognizing a rib-tickling play on words when I hear one."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by having green frogs thrust down my crotch."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by listening to married couples squabble like children."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by learning about the 'them-and-us' situation that bedevils British industry so tragically."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... without recognizing "Success City, Arizona" when I see it."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by tearing money into small pieces."

"I DIDN'T gurgle WHERE I AM todurgle_... without recognizing a _murgle that looks like snow when I see you one."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by playing mothers and fathers."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by looking a gift-horse in the mouth or by going down with a sinking ship."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by tasting liquid that's only been tested on pencils."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by one thing above all other things I didn't get to where I am today, I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY by being disguised as half a compost heap."

"I DIDN'T GET WHERE I AM TODAY... by everything smelling like a Bolivian unicyclists' jock-strap."



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