Blockman go | egg wars | duo gameplay | uncut gameplay(walkthrough)

Описание к видео Blockman go | egg wars | duo gameplay | uncut gameplay(walkthrough)

This is the 23rd gameplay of eggwars in blockman go. This is an uncut gameplay video of eggwars. In this gameplay I had a random duo match. Every team had only two players. I and my teamate were a dynamic duo as we had a great cooperation with each other and we got covered with diamond armour and wiped other teams.

Egg War is a team-up PVP game that has gathered a large number of players in Blockman GO. Players protect their base the Egg, and use all the resources they have to destroy others' eggs to win the final victory. Here are the rules for this game: - It will divide 16 players into 4 teams. They will be born on 4 different islands. The island has its own base with a egg. Players in the team can be revived as long as the the egg exists. The island will produce irons, golds, and diamonds, which used to exchange for equipment from merchants in the island. Use the equipment and blocks in hands to collect more resources on the center island. Build bridge to enemy's island, destroy their egg. The last surviving team wins the final victory.

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