
Описание к видео 【LCS-2獨立級濱海戰鬥艦】科幻到沒朋友,台灣最想買的戰鬥艦。美國海軍最具革命性的艦艇,採用模塊化作戰系統和獨特的三體船型設計,最高航速超過50節,為何僅服役11年就悄悄退役

LCS-2獨立號瀕海戰鬥艦是由美國通用動力公司領導設計的三體結構戰艦,是一種快速、機動、吃水淺的水面作戰艦艇,主要應用於全球沿海水域作戰,又稱近岸戰鬥艦。該艦的艦體採用模塊化結構,並選用先進的艦體材料和動力裝置,使航速達到至少40節 以上。瀕海戰鬥艦一共有兩種型號,分別是自由級和獨立級。
LCS-2 Independence Littoral Combat Ship is a three-body warship designed by General Dynamics of the United States. It is a fast, maneuverable, and shallow-draft surface warship. It is mainly used in global coastal waters operations. It is also called nearshore combat. Ship. The hull of the ship adopts a modular structure, and uses advanced hull materials and power devices to achieve a speed of at least 40 knots. There are two types of Littoral Combat Ships, namely the Freedom Class and the Independent Class.


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