Real 1980's Natural Makeup Tutorial - Barbara Daly Introduces 'Colourings' - Unintentional ASMR!

Описание к видео Real 1980's Natural Makeup Tutorial - Barbara Daly Introduces 'Colourings' - Unintentional ASMR!

Feb 2021 - 'MVD Entertainment' falsely claimed this video & monetised it. I disputed their claim & won! Say No to False YT Ad Claims & use Ad Blockers. Shot in 1987/ 88. So along came The Body Shop in the 1980's, and to add a touch of much needed glamour to the hippy shops was super star make up diva Barbara Daly. This video was sold in-store, alongside 'Colourings', Bodyshops first makeup line, which was famously & uniquely 'Cruelty Free.'

Pretty much all of the advice stands today & all of these top tips will give you a great everyday, natural look; and the best thing over then, is that there's so much more choice of products today, even the cheaper lines can give great finishes, unlike then when cheap make up made you look cheap ;-) It's also great as it shows techniques for younger & older skin types.

Many people have commented that this video is extremely relaxing & ASMR like, so that's now in the title. Enjoy!


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