Violence breaks out at pro-Aristide demo

Описание к видео Violence breaks out at pro-Aristide demo

(15 Oct 2004)
1. Mid view policeman ducked behind a white van in street, pull out
2. Close up policeman with gun
3. Close up side view policeman, audio gun shots
4. Wide view policemen hiding behind wall next to van, audio gun shots
5. Mid view policemen kneeled down next to van with gun in hand
6. Close up policeman laying on the ground
7. Close up policeman with gas mask laying on the ground
8. Mid view policeman laying on ground, second policeman standing in back next to wall
9. Wide view fire in street
10. Mid view policemen in protective gear with guns
11. Fire truck driving down street, audio siren
12. Fire truck moving forward, parking to put out fire
13. Fire fighter getting off truck putting out fire with hose
14. Mid view police squad running down side walk
15. Close up fire fighter putting out fire
16. Mid view UN vehicle driving down street
17. Close up policeman standing among civilians in front of gate
18. Policeman walking in front of line of people sitting in front of gate
19. Wide view policemen with gun in street with photographer taking pictures, people running away as one policeman kneels to take shot, pull out
20. Zoom in to policeman hiding behind building
21. Policeman with gun running from one side of the street to the other
22. Policeman running from one side of the street to the other
23. Policemen in street taking aim and kneeling down in middle of street


Heavy gunfire erupted in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince on Friday when police entered a slum stronghold of ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide as loyalists blocked streets with flaming debris to mark the 10th anniversary of Aristide's return from his first exile.

It was unclear who was doing the shooting as police in cars and on foot entered the barricaded Bel Air slum with rifles at the ready.

A plume of acrid smoke rose as people set a bonfire of tires and rubbish in the slum overlooking the presidential National Palace.

A few hundred supporters of Aristide's Lavalas Family party held a peaceful demonstration there earlier, Haiti's Radio Plus reported, broadcasting chants of "Only Lavalas, no matter what happens!"

The crackle of automatic gunfire also exploded in La Saline slum and Delmas neighbourhood.

There were no immediate reports of injuries or deaths but tensions surged in the capital which has suffered two weeks of shootouts and beheadings that have left at least 48 people dead.

Police spokeswoman Gessy Coicou told a news conference on Friday that 21 police officers have been killed and 23 wounded in the line of duty since March.

The Haitian Press Network said ten officers were killed in the past two weeks, and five were beheaded.

UN peacekeepers in armoured vehicles rolled through deserted streets on Friday as police stood watch at intersections.

Business leaders called for a "day of protest against terrorism," and many heeded the call, staying home while banks, stores and gas stations were locked up.

Aristide's backers are demanding his return from exile as they mark his restoration to power in 1994 through the intervention of 20,000 US troops who ended three years of brutal military rule.

Aristide fled again on February 29 as ex-soldiers leading a bloody rebellion neared Port-au-Prince.

The ex-soldiers are threatening to deploy in Port-au-Prince to halt the violence, saying they are waiting only on reinforcements arriving from all over the country.

The ex-soldiers have not been disarmed since US Marines flew in the same day Aristide fled, then handed over in June to UN peacekeepers.

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