#Neuronantomy Chapter 4,Recticulospinal|Tectospinal|Rubrospinal|Vestibulospinal|olivospinal Tracts and Descending Autonomic
Throughout the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblon gata, groups of scattered nerve cells and nerve fibers
eXist that are collectively known as the reticular forma tion. From the pons, these neurons send axons, which
are mostly uncrossed, down into the spinal cord and
form the pontine reticulospinal tract (Fig. 4-22). From
the medulla, similar neurons send axons, which are crossed and uncrossed, to the spinal cord and form the
medullary reticulospinal tract.Reticulospinal fibers from the pons descend through
the anterior white column, while those from t the descending autonomic fibers. The reticu lospinal tracts thus provide a pathway by which the
hypothalamus can control the sympathetic outflow and
the sacral parasympathetic outflow.
Tectospinal Tract
Fibers of this trac arise from nerve cells in the
tract descends through the anterior white column of
the s majority of the fibers terminate in the
anterior gray column in the upper cervical segments
of the spinal cord by synapsing with internuncial
neurons. These fibers are believed to be concerned
with refleX postural movements in response to visual
Rubrospinal Tract
The red nucleus is situated in the tegmentum of
the midbrain at the level of the superior colliculus
(Fig. 4-24). The axons of neurons in this nucleus crossthe midline at the level of the nucleus and descend as
of the cord. the lateral The inner ear and the cerebellum, by means of this
tract, facilitate the activity of the extensor muscles and
inhibit the activity of the flexor muscles in association
with the maintenance of balance.
Olivospinal Tract
The Olivospinal tract was thought to arise from the
inferior olivary nucleus and to descend in the lateral
white column of the spinal cord (Fig. 4-26), to influence
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the activity of the motor neurons in the anterior gray
column. Many now doubt that it exists.
Descending Autonomic Fibers
The higher centers of the CNS associated with the
control of autonomic activity are situated in the cere bral cortex, hypothalamus, amygdaloid complex, and
reticular formation. Although distinct tracts have not
been recognized, investigation of spinal cord lesions
has demonstrated that descending autonomic tracts
do exist and probably form part of the reticulospinal
The fibers arise from neurons in the higher cen ters and cross the midline in the brainstemvestib ular nucleus give rise to the axons
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