JADE WATERFALL Spray And Rinse Sio2 Sealant!!! VERSUS Meguiar's HCW VERSUS Gyeon WET!!!

Описание к видео JADE WATERFALL Spray And Rinse Sio2 Sealant!!! VERSUS Meguiar's HCW VERSUS Gyeon WET!!!

JADE A69 Water Fall Silica Spray Sealant is a touch-less silica-infused spray sealant that is applied without needing to physically touch the auto with a towel. Simply mist the formula onto an already wet vehicle and then power wash off the excess to produce a glossy, smooth, highly hydrophobic finish that lasts up to 90 days. Jade A69 Water Fall has made it easier than ever to apply a silica sealant to your vehicle. This touch-less silica infused spray sealant provides protection to your vehicle without you needing to physically touch the car with a towel. You can even use Jade A69 Water Fall after every wash as a drying aid! Today...we put it through the Apex Detail Review Process!!

Jade Waterfall....https://877askxtreme.com/product/jade...

Directions: When using Jade A69 Water Fall Silica Spray Sealant be sure to leave the vehicle WET after you have washed it, then spray a mist of Water Fall to the wet painted surfaces. Once you have applied Water Fall to the surfaces now Power Wash and rinse the surfaces. Once all of the product has been rinsed off the surfaces you can dry the vehicle. This is an excellent way to maintain the ceramic coating and keep it looking great!

Gyeon Wet.....https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Gyeon+Wet&...

Meguiar's Hybrid Ceramic Wax....https://www.amazon.com/s?k=MEGUIARS+H...

Detailing For Dyslexia....https://www.detailingfordyslexia.com/

apexautodetail.com https://www.apexautodetail.com/

#apexdetail #meguiarshybridceramicwax #gyeonwetcoat


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