Gear Review: Hunters HD Gold vs. Pilla Sport Panther X7 on Indoor Ranges

Описание к видео Gear Review: Hunters HD Gold vs. Pilla Sport Panther X7 on Indoor Ranges

Review and test of the Hunter HD Gold shooting glasses (with yellow lenses) and comparison with the Pilla Sport Panther X7 (with clear lenses) specifically on local indoor ranges. More interesting Practical Shooting content and polls on the "Community Tab" on my Channel! Let me know in the Comments below ! DVC

00:16 Start & Intro
00:17 My current shooting glasses: Pilla Sport Panther X7
00:44 Why did I buy the Hunters HD Gold shooting glasses?
01:41 Test and comparison focused on local indoor ranges
02:33 Side by side pictures at indoor range
03:53 Comparing both
08:24 Pricing/Cost
09:00 Conclusion

Note: I am NOT sponsored by any shops, nor producers of the gear I reviews. I buy everything myself.

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