143 Deadlift Variations to Supercharge Your Leg Workout

Описание к видео 143 Deadlift Variations to Supercharge Your Leg Workout


Got deadlift variations?

We certainly do. Now you may think this is overkill but we believe things that are worth doing are sometimes worth overdoing 🙂

While we believe everyone should deadlift, not every deadlift variation is for everyone. Some things to consider:

1. Variety is good for both strength and hypertrophy and it helps prevent overuse injuries.

2. Every body is unique. Period. The best form for a lifter is the one that best suits his unique anthropometry and injury history.

3. Contrary to popular belief, there is no one true perfect form, only what form is best suited for your body, situation and goals.

Many training gurus love to say there's only one way to perform a lift, and that all other techniques and variations are either wrong or ineffective. A philosophy like that is shortsighted and this video will show you how many different variations you can use for different purposes.

First, every body is unique, and the best form for a lifter is the one that best suits his or her unique limb lengths, body segment proportions, tendon attachment points, muscularity, and injury history.

Quite geeky stuff, I know, I get like that sometimes.

Second, the form that a lifter uses is heavily based on their goals. These goals might include muscle gain, in which case it's possible to to focus more on tension of a particular muscle; strength, in which case you may perform the deadlift in a way that maximizes leverages; or maybe you’re trying to transfer the adaptation to something specific - like a sport, in which case you’d focus on doing the deadlift in a way that best transfers to another lift or sporting action.

And third, it’s a pretty good idea to purposely do deadlifts in a variety of ways to build well-rounded and maximal strength.

Stubbornly sticking to a particular form or variation that isn't right for you, no matter how popular it is, will eventually lead to injury. It's akin to forcing a square peg through a round hole.

So here’s some of the things you’ll see in the different variations:

Regressed and progressed positions and variations
Variations that adapt to different individuals and body types
Variations addressing weak links
Intensification strategies
Novel ways to deadlift that can spice up your program and give it a breath of fresh air
Variations with many different tools (barbells, KB’s, dumbbells, sandbags, maces, etc.)

You could mix and match so much more (from band attachments and tension techniques, tempo’s, range of motion changes, etc). and we hope that this will also stir some creativity, not to mention have a place you can go to and never have an issue with having plenty of variations to choose from.

Enjoy and let us know how which variations you tried and how they felt.


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