QuickBooks Online Integration Enhancement

Описание к видео QuickBooks Online Integration Enhancement

Our latest enhancement our QuickBooks Online integration is making it easier for brewers to keep an eye on costs, inventory, and more!

-- Purchase Orders

Detailed Bills: Each purchase order now creates a detailed bill in QBO itemizing received inventory and debiting the inventory account mapped to each item. Public notes are also displayed on bills within QBO for better clarity.

-- Cost Allocation: Allocated costs are now added to each line item based on the allocation method chosen within Ollie Ops, enhancing the accuracy of cost tracking.

Reversals and Deletions: Un-receiving or deleting a purchase order will now remove the corresponding bill and all inventory value from QBO, ensuring your records are always accurate.

-- Production Batches

Batch-Specific Journal Entries: Each batch in production now receives its own journal entry in QBO, logging all changes to the batch in a single view for better traceability.

Enhanced Batch Details in QBO: Batch details such as production date, lot codes, batch number, batch ID, and batch log ID are now displayed in QBO, making it easier to reference and audit production data.

Separate Entries for Additions: Batch additions are recorded with their own journal entry, ensuring the date of the addition is separate from the batch date, which aids in precise record-keeping.

-- Adjustments

Inventory Adjustments: Each adjustment now creates its own journal entry, reflecting changes directly in the inventory and inventory adjustment accounts for accurate stock management.

-- Packaging

Dedicated Journal Entries for Packaging Runs: Each packaging run is now logged with its own journal entry in QBO, including details of any packaging loss, enhancing the detail and accuracy of your production cost assessments.

-- Automatic Syncing

Real-Time Syncing: Grouped journal entries related to batches, finished goods/packaging, and inventory adjustments are now synced immediately with QBO. All other journal entries are synced once daily for up-to-date accounting records.

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