CAREERS AT A UNIVERSITY | Lecturer, Teaching Fellow, Research Fellow, Professor?! Which pathway?

Описание к видео CAREERS AT A UNIVERSITY | Lecturer, Teaching Fellow, Research Fellow, Professor?! Which pathway?

If you are thinking about a university career you may be considering research, teaching or a role that combines both! In this video I chat about some of the many terms and 3 routes...

Research & Teaching Pathway - Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader, Professor
Research Pathway - Research Assistant, Associate, Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, Professor (Research)
Teaching Pathway - Teaching Assistant, Associate, Teaching Fellow, Senior Teaching Fellow, Principal Teaching Fellow, Professor (Teaching)

I also chat about the differences between a UK ad US lecturer, plus the roles Assistant Professor and Associate Professor. So plenty of uni terms coming up :)

All views are my own. #drcst #university #academiclife
Music | Upbeat


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