Cute Okapi Calf Born at Brookfield Zoo!

Описание к видео Cute Okapi Calf Born at Brookfield Zoo!

A male okapi, also known as a “forest giraffe,” was born at Brookfield Zoo on April 21. The calf, named Will, was born to 4-year-old Augusta K., a first-time mom. Currently, the calf is remaining behind the scenes, but guests can see him via a live video feed that is set up in the zoo’s Habitat Africa! The Forest.

During Will’s first few months of life, he will spend the majority of his time in an indoor nesting area. In the wild, a mother okapi leaves her calf at a protected nesting site to keep it hidden from predators. She returns only to allow the calf to nurse. Once Will is more active at about 3 months old, guests will be able to see him exploring his outdoor habitat with Augusta.

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