You've been doing this WRONG! The TRUE way to spam Ignitions in PvP! 【 Destiny 2 】

Описание к видео You've been doing this WRONG! The TRUE way to spam Ignitions in PvP! 【 Destiny 2 】

So you wanna spam Solar Ignitions in PvP on Warlock? You think Dawn Chorus is the way to go? You think Skyburner's Oath is the way to go? Every time I've seen someone make a Solar Warlock Ignition Build in the crucible, this is always what they do, but after some experimentation and thought, I've found an even faster way to spam Ignitions, and that's with the Eye of Another World and Traveler's Chosen. The best way to spam ignitions is simply to spam abilities! Why has nobody thought of that!?

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