Shiny Hunting the Strongest Legendary Pokemon

Описание к видео Shiny Hunting the Strongest Legendary Pokemon

Shiny Zygarde is a threat to society.

Two years ago, I started hunting shiny Zygarde via Dynamax Adventures in Pokemon Sword and Shield. This video is my experience with the hunt and the strategies I employed to make this hunt slightly less insufferable.

plz subscribe I crave dopamine

I record game footage using an Elgato HD60:

Here's the music I used in this video (in order):
Crown Tundra Overworld Theme - Pokemon Sword and Shield
Legendary Dynamax Battle - Pokemon Sword and Shield
Konikoni City Night - Pokemon Sun and Moon
Super Secret Training - Pokemon X and Y
Levincia Theme - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Sky Pillar - Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Cold Storage - Pokemon Black and White
Santalune Forest - Pokemon X and Y
Obsidian Fieldlands Theme 2 - Pokemon Legends Arceus
Victory is Right Before Your Eyes! - Pokemon Black and White
Professor Sada/Turo Battle - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Team Rainbow Rocket Battle - Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Mt. Coronet - Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
Vaniville Town - Pokemon X and Y
Geosenge Town - Pokemon X and Y

hi chicken and torpid


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