Roma Amor - Der treue Husar (Official Video)

Описание к видео Roma Amor - Der treue Husar (Official Video)

Roma Amor - Der treue Husar (Official video)
From the album "Una Torbida Estate", available in cd and LP on OEC ([email protected])

Directed by Arnaldo di Carrara III
Video shot in the trenches of the Great War (The Cadorna Line) for the First World War Italian Centenary

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C’era una volta un ussaro che
La sua donna amò fedel
Un anno intero e molto di più
Di amore unico e vero.

Si allontanò per guerreggiar
Mentre il suo amore si ammalò
Così malata e pallida
Tre giorni stette senza parlar.

E quando il giovane capì
Che la sua bella era a morir
Lasciò ogni cosa per tornar
A rivedere il suo caro amor…

Und als er zum Herzliebchen kam,
Ganz leise gab sie ihm die Hand,
Die ganze Hand und noch viel mehr,
Die Liebe nahm kein Ende mehr.

"Grüß Gott, grüß Gott, mein feiner Knab.
Mit mir wills gehen ins kühle Grab.
"Ach nein, ach nein, mein liebes Kind,   
Dieweil wir so Verliebte sind."

"Ach nein, ach nein, nicht so geschwind,
Dieweil wir zwei Verliebte sind;
Ach nein, ach nein, Herzliebste mein,
Die Lieb und Treu muß länger sein…

He took her in his arms to hold,
She was not warm, forever cold.
Oh quick, oh quick, bring light to me,
Else my love dies, no one will see.

And when the maid, in death lay here,
Her body he laid on a bier.
Where can I get six strong young men,
To the grave carry my love then.

A long black coat, I must now wear.
A sorrow great, is what I bear.
A sorrow great and so much more,
My grief it will end nevermore.

"Der treue Husar" is a German song based on a folk song known in various versions since the 19th century


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